Exciting Easter Goodies
Exciting Easter Goodies
The Easter goodies have officially arrived at Daisy Park! We love Easter here, it's a time for celebrating a fresh season, new beginnings and of course, chocolate eggs and hot cross buns!
We've got some simply delightful bits this year, including lots of gorgeous decorations, jewellery, and beautiful homeware to pop your hot cross buns on. Read on for some of our favourites.
Gorgeous Gisela Graham Decorations
As always, Gisela Graham have provided us with Easter perfection with some decorations too cute to miss. Bees, bunnies and of course eggs are a heavy feature throughout the decs, such as a gorgeous golden honeycombs, or some adorable felt bunnies. But for those of you who like quirky - there's less traditional decs, from pigs, cows and geese to watering cans, but one things for sure: they're all just so sweet. Pop into the shop to see our lovely display and to get a good look, there's too many to fit into this blog post but we love them all so much!

Erstwilder Easter Bunnies
Erstwilder are always bringing out new collections, and Easter is no exception for them. We've got an array of bunny earrings that are simply adorable, in a range of perfect Spring colours like pink, blue and white, or patterned designs with pops of glitter. They really are sweet, choose from studs or drops and pair with a brooch from the recently launched Peter Rabbit collection, or throw in a pair with an Easter egg to make a lovely little gift this Easter.
Easter Candles
To brighten up your home and bring some fresh spring scents into the air, we've got some gorgeous candles that will be perfect for Easter as well as spring. In divine scents such as honey, sweet pea, wild pear and more, they also look lovely with Spring/Easter prints and come packaged in little boxes of the same design, just perfect.
Emma Bridgewater Fresh & Bright Homeware
No occasion would quite be complete without some Emma Bridgewater thrown in somewhere. You might have already seen the beautiful buttercups collection that's perfect for this season, along with the delightful daffodil design. Serve hot cross buns on the 'Hot Cross Bun' plates, and wash it down with a cuppa in one of the cute chick, bunny or spring lambs mugs. All with a bit of piece and quiet whilst you've sent the kids outside on an Easter egg hunt. Pure bliss!
Easter Cards
Sending some cards out at Easter seems to be decreasing as the years go on, but we still think it's a lovely thing to do. Sending out well wishes for the new season and new beginnings, which really, is what Easter is all about, whether you're religious or not. But even if you're not overly fussed about the sentiment and actually, you just want an excuse to buy some beautifully designed cards, then we might just be able to indulge you. There's a few up here on our website, but pop into the shop to have a browse where we've got packs of cards too, so you can buy a bunch to send out to your loved ones.
We must be speaking for everyone when we say we couldn't be more ready for a new season, and Easter is a time that really feels like it celebrates that. Pop into the shop to see our beautiful display and for a bit of colourful sunshine, it's really been cheering us up and keeping us in spirits for spring during this dreary weather.