Summer flowers

Summer flowers
Summer is a beautiful time of year. It's so full of life, isn't it? Particularly in early summer when the joys of Spring are still very much alive, like new-born lambs and birds chirping at all hours. Not to mention the flowers that burst into life too, in the vibrant rainbow of colours that they sprinkle everywhere we look. From huge sunflowers popping their heads over fences, to jasmine gracing our walkways with gorgeous fragrances and daisies dotted all around, it's a wonderful time of year. And so, the joy of these many glorious summer flowers is what we're dedicating this weeks blog post on. A lot of the fabulous goodies we stock at Daisy Park are inspired by the flowers of our nation. So if you too have an affection for them, then please enjoy this blog post filled with nothing but. How blooming lovely.
The one brand you can almost guarantee finding something to represent many of the great British flowers is Emma Bridgewater. From the gorgeously bright sunflower mug, to the lovely Iris and Cornflower mugs which are both just as rich in their colours as they are in real life.
We all know summer is a season that really fills the senses. The feel of the warm sun on your skin, the sound of bees going about their day, and of course the smell of all those wonderful flowers. If you like to bring that smell into your home (and without the pollen for you hay fever sufferers), then some of our candles do just that. From peonies and sweet peas to lavender and even wild gorse, which to us, smells exactly like the real deal. Just gorgeous.
And to make yourself smell of all this loveliness? The English Soap Co can help you there. We've got some of their scents that have been inspired by Kew gardens, which of course is all things plant and botanical. Plus other scents, all of which are naturally made which make them smell even better in our opinion.
Finally, we pride ourselves on many of our cards. So of course we have lots of cards that are inspired by nature and flowers, and they're just gorgeous. These ones are all blank so can be used for any occasion really. Just lovely.