The June love list

The June love list
June started off feeling like January but ended up feeling like, well, June, thankfully. It's been a month of topping up on things that were low on stock for us, and generally sorting around the shop, as well as enjoying flashes of the sunshine and then Bridgerton in the rainy times. Here's what we've been loving along the way.
Emma's June favourite
Well, it had to be the new 'The Boss' Keith Brymer Jones mug for Em's choice, didn't it? A pretty obvious choice, so we needn't say more. You should definitely check out the new Keith Brymer Jones mugs though, they're outrageous in the best possible way. This one is definitely the most tame!
Lindz's June favourite
Lindz will tell you how she immediately fell in love with the best road trips of Great Britain book after a quick flick through when it first arrived, and we definitely see why: it certainly is beautiful.
Lizzie's June favourite
Perfect for serving up cuppas or cocktails for someone who is quite clumsy, Lizzie's choice of the month is the sturdy and still gorgeous Emma Bridgewater union jack tray.
Amelia's June favourite
Considering them her new adopted fur babies at work, Amelia chose Wilf & Bigfoot as her favourites this month (you can't possibly choose a favourite child). She'll be devastated when they fly the nest we're sure!
So there are the products we've been loving the most this month. Some new, some old, some are timeless classics. You can keep up to date with what's new in the shop by heading to the 'new in' page here on our website. x