Year of the dragon

Year of the dragon
Have you seen our most recent window? Although it felt a shame to take down our Christmas one, it was fun to do something new and a little different, the theme being that of Chinese New Year and all things dragon because, you guessed it, it's the year of the dragon. So let us give you a little tour of both the window display and the new Jellycat collection which is also inspired by Chinese New Year.
The dragon characters are just so cute, we knew as soon as we saw them that we had to get them in. From the super sweet Darvin dragon, to the more mystical looking golden dragons as well as the festival dragon which is currently out of stock, but coming back soon.
You must check out the dragon bag charms too. These new portable pals are smaller than their friends, but are still so cute and could be your new good luck charm to attach to your bag and carry with you every day, especially considering the immense strength that is associated with dragons particularly in Chinese culture, one of these little guys could be a perfect luck companion.
Chinese New Year falls on Saturday 10th February this year if you're interested in celebrating, and you can read more about it by clicking on this link here. But equally, the new Jellycat collection could be for the every day. For those who just love dragons and mythical creatures, or for those who simply think they're too cute to resist. We know we can't.