Jellycat turns 25

Jellycat turns 25
This year, Jellycat turns 25. Can you believe that? 25 years of Jellycat! To celebrate, they've already been bringing out some special characters such as Jellycat Jack himself, as well as the return of some old favourites such as Junglie Monkey which is all making us very happy, of course. So, we wanted to celebrate their birthday too with a blog post dedicated to some of our favourite Jellycat characters that we've got in the shop. We'll take you through a few of the newest cuties in town, as well as the old favourites who we can always rely on.
The newbies
So who's new around here? Jellycat Jack is the face of the brand if you couldn't already tell, so he's the main new guy. But he hasn't come to Daisy Park alone, he has brought with him some of his sweetest special edition friends, such as Junglie Monkey, Fergus frog, Truffle sheep, and the gorgeous Azure bunnies.
Blooming in time for spring
Just in time for the new season, some beautiful Jellycats have been in full bloom. The amuseable daisy feels like a very important one for us to have in the shop for obvious reasons, and it's our favourite of the new plant range. But the Monstera is gorgeous too though, and so is the cactus and Bird of Paradise. They're also a fun alternative for those who simply cannot keep the real ones alive. Other furry friends who have arrived in time for spring are the adorable chicks and lambs, who would all love new homes in time for Easter (what a lovely alternative to a chocolate gift, don't you think?)
The rest of the gang
So who else has joined us in Daisy Park? The special editions and the seasonal pals have been introduced, but there are plenty of others who want to say hello. We love the new Amuseable oats, Gordy guinea pig, Archie dinosaur who has also brought his book with him, Tilly golden retriever and more. The potato and the bean are hilarious food additions, and there are also some new sporty folk like the badminton shuttlecock and the table tennis bat. Plus so much more, but we won't go on. Have a browse of our website to see the full range!