Spring newness

Spring newness
It's really starting to feel much more like spring now, don't you think? Down here in North Devon the general temperature has been beginning to rise, and even with some flickers of sunshine here and there. The daffodils are of course in full bloom, as are the primroses and grape hyacinths and so overall spring really does feel like it's in the air. Of course we all know that one of the joys of this new season is the feeling of freshness and new beginnings that it brings. And we're feeling that in the shop too as we've given window display a refresh for Easter, added more colour around the shop (somehow), and brought some new goodies in.

On that note, let's take you through some of the new goodies we've got. First things first: new books. Again, this time of year can bring with it an urge for newness. Whether that's venturing into some new culinary skills, giving our home a little spruce up, or getting into the garden and making it ready for the warmer seasons. With our most recent delivery of books we're sure you'll soon be feeling inspired to do these things. From how to make sushi and bao buns to coffee table books on creating mindful spaces in the home and garden. They make for beautiful gifts, but are also a delightful treat to yourself if you fancy it. Lindz is in love with the chocolate baking book, Em's favourite is the bao buns one, Amelia's the sushi as a big sushi lover, and Lizzie's loving the dirty food book which is back in stock. Can you tell we're all big foodies?

Much like sitting down with one of those new books and having a flick through, a puzzle can be a great way to wind down too. So it's a good job we've got some new ones of them too, isn't it? We love a good puzzle, and these beautifully designed ones from Happily Puzzles will leave you feeling like you can't break the pieces back up as they'll be sitting so pretty.

Now onto stationery, one of our largest loves in life. Our current stationery piece of the moment is the new Sara Miller travel journal we've recently got in, because it's just beautiful, and would be a really lovely gift for anyone going on a big trip this year. There's a few other pieces from Sara Miller too, plus a small top up delivery of Legami which we always love, as well as some new cards of course, which are gorgeous. There's some 3D cards which are so intricate and amazingly designed, plus some every day delights from the likes of Emma Bridgewater and more.

If you love the ritual of lighting a candle as much as we do, then you'll recognise the value and fun matches can bring to the process. These days there are so many amazing types of matches pots that the matches can be just as important as the candle. The cowboy boot matches proved incredibly popular at Christmas, and that seems to be continuing now that we've got them back in stock, probably thanks to a certain song released recently by Beyonce. But we've made things a bit more relatable to us Brits by also getting some welly boot style match pots too. It had to be done really didn't it?